Technology and Animation
This first lesson incorporated the entire school by having the 8th grade students draw anti-bullying posters, and posting there artwork across the school. The posters were a graded project as well as creating an inclusive environment for the student body.
The animation videos were created by students ranging from 4th grade at Harding grade school to 10th, 11th, and 12th grades at McDowell High School. The high school students animated the letters of their names since some students were not art majors.The students wanted to take their lessons further as in the case of showing an animation principle of squash and stretch, and create longer animations and experiment with the medium.

11x17 marker on xerox paper

11x17 marker and crayon on xerox paper

11x17 marker and crayon on xerox paper

11x17 pencil on xerox paper A simple, powerful, and different view on bullying.
Third grade students assess their animation.
Please click on the PDF to see a written observation of my animation class.
Exemplar example of the first project
Non-exemplar example of the first project
with poor composition (shows the student & computer) and very little depth and perspective.