Supporting literature for my research in cartooning and education
Berkowitz, J., & Packer, T. (2001). Heroes in the Classroom: Comic Books in Art Education. Art Education, 54(6), 12–18.
Chute, H. (2008). Comics as Literature? Reading Graphic Narrative. PMLA, 123(2), 452–465.
Delp, C., & Jones, J. (1996). Communicating information to patients: the use of cartoon illustrations to improve comprehension of instructions. Academic Emergency Medicine: Official Journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 3(3), 264–270.
Eisner, W. (2008). Comics and Sequential Art: Principles and Practices from the Legendary Cartoonist. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Fels, D. I., Udo, J. P., Diamond, J. E., & Diamond, J. I. (2006). A Comparison of Alternative Narrative Approaches to Video Description for Animated Comedy. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 100(5), 295–305.
Gavigan, K. (2011). More Powerful than a Locomotive: Using Graphic Novels to Motivate Struggling Male Adolescent Readers. Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 1. Retrieved from
Goldberg, B. (2005). Art of the Narrative: Interpreting Visual Stories. Art Education, 58(2), 25–32.
Gray, C. (1993). The Original Social Story Book (Revised edition). Jenison, MI; Arlington, TX: Future Horizons Inc.
Hallenbeck, P. N. (1976). Remediating with Comic Strips. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 9(1). Retrieved from
LaRoche, G. (2015). Social learning and drawing: What children learn by copying from their peers. Art Education, 68(3), 19–25.
McCloud, S. (1994). Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (Reprint edition). New York: William Morrow Paperbacks.
Meskin, A. (2007). Defining Comics? The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 65(4), 369–379.
Sabbah, M., Masood, M., & Iranmanesh, M. (2013). Effects of graphic novels on reading comprehension in Malaysian year 5 students. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 4(1), 146–160.
Schmidt, R. (2013). Sketching as Response and Assessment: From Misunderstanding to Better Instruction. Voices from the Middle, 21(2). Retrieved from
Smetana, L., Odelson, D., Burns, H., & Grisham, D. L. (2009). Using Graphic Novels in the High School Classroom: Engaging Deaf Students With a New Genre. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(3), 228–240.
Squier, S. M. (2008). So long as they grow out of it: comics, the discourse of developmental normalcy, and disability. The Journal of Medical Humanities, 29(2), 71–88.
Unsworth, J. M. (2001). Drawing Is Basic: A Response to “What Elementary Generalist Teachers Need to Know to Teach Art Well.” Art Education, 54(6), 6–11.
Williams, R. M.-C. (2008). Image, Text, and Story: Comics and Graphic Novels in the Classroom. Art Education, 61(6), 13–19.
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